K9 HElix
EOW 05-04-20
We brought Helix into our program at 2 years old when her and the other dog in her household were not getting along. She had incredible drives, which made her an excellent candidate. It didn’t take long for me to decide she would stay and train to be my K9 partner.
Helix aka “Mama” received her nickname after entering narcotics school 3 weeks late. She was fat and slow and not ready to go to K9 school so quickly. She made me look better than I am. She was one of the best narcotics dogs in the state with 117 drug arrests, 1 apprehension, and 203 agency assists where drugs were found. Officers envied me for how easy she made my job. She loved people, loved water, and LOVED playing ball.
In Helix’s honor, we are proud to introduce….
NLK9 has a sister company “Utah Service and Working Dog Rescue”, a nonprofit organization, focused on saving the lives of high drive dogs like Helix that do not do well in a home environment, dogs that a lot of the time will be euthanized. We have had multiple successful rescues where the dogs have gone on to work in a police department. If you would like to help us help more of these dogs, you can donate to our program.
The monetary donations you provide will be used for purchasing dog food and supplies we need for the kennel, such as collars and leashes, bowls, vaccinations, and many other things we need on a day to day basis. Whatever you can donate is appreciated. Our rescue is nonprofit, registered 501c3, so your donations are tax deductible.
Some of our rescue dogs and where they are now…
Blazing Trails K9 - Bedbug detection
Currently in our detection program
Mooreland Police - Narcotics
Currently in our dual purpose K9 training program
Hinton Police - Narcotics
Roosevelt City Police - Narcotics
Roosevelt PD - detection